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Tier 2

Some students do not respond to Tier 1 universal academic and behavioral instruction. Students who need additional support may display behaviors externally, or are students who internalize the stress of school and home. The goal of Tier 2 is to identify and target the problem behavior and provide support to the student in the form of an individualized Tier 2 plan.  In addition, the  goal of the plan is to keep the student in class learning and to avoid escalation to more intensive services. 


The Tier 2 process involves the team of teachers most closely connected to the student and the problem behavior, Tier 2 team representatives (e.g. administrator, counselor, school psychologist, special educator), the student and student's family.  Data that is collected through the Universal expectations (Tier 1) and ODR  records are monitored.  When a student earns three major behaviors in one category of the ODR form, he or she is evaluated for Tier 2.  Specific steps are taken to accurately identify the problem behavior and communicate and establish a plan with the student and family to appropriately address the area of concern and determine the level of support an individual student needs.  Ongoing student assessment and progress monitoring are used to determine any adjustments needed or when the plan is no longer necessary.  (Information adapted from: Center for SW PBS, College of Education, University of Missouri)


The following forms are used to guide the Tier 2 process: Please click on the titles to see the actual form.


 Tier 2 Intervention Checklist                Tier 2 Intervention Plan             Student Behavior Improvement Form


Check In / Check Out Rationale          Check In / Check Out  Student Form


Internet Resources

For more information regarding the philosophy, components or implementation of PBIS, please use the following links:



General Information:

​ - A video of an overview of PBIS (approx. 2:50 in length)








Classroom Management and Implementation Resources:







Horace Mann

Middle School


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